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A Special Tribute to THE HIGHWAYMEN JOHNNY, WILLIE, WAYLON & KRIS with The Mighty Red Melons – THIRD SHOW ADDED!
SAPPHIRE ROOM at the Riverside Hotel 2900 W. Chinden Blvd., BoiseHit the highway and head on out to the Mighty Red Melon’s next tribute show, in the Famous Sapphire Room in Boise’s own Riverside Hotel. The band will honor The Highwaymen. Willie, Kris, Johnny and Waylon comprised the supergroup that defined the Outlaw genre. The show will cover Highwaymen hits as well as classic country from each member, played in the Melons best honky tonk tradition. So start your engines, put it into gear and point it towards the Highway, and the next big ? Melons ? show!
$25 – $33